
Cooking for a 6 Month Old

I’m having a lot of fun cooking for Walker. I also recognize how fortunate I am to have the time, blending equipment and desire to come up with baby food recipes. He’s at that easy but impressionable age where he will eat almost anything I give him. Like my pediatrician reminded me, I am shaping… Continue reading Cooking for a 6 Month Old

baby · prenatal

Birth Intervention Research

I found this post difficult to write because my intention is not to scare, guilt, or judge anyone in any of their choices. However, after a couple weeks of continuously hearing of friends and friends-of-friends’ birth stories with similar struggles, I felt compelled to share the research I’ve done on associated risks with birth/labor interventions.… Continue reading Birth Intervention Research

baby · prenatal

Unmedicated Birth: Julie’s Plan

I got to know Julie through our husbands’ close friendship when they lived in San Francisco. She and her husband moved down to LA a couple of years ago where she cofounded a nutritional supplements company, needed. geared toward pregnant and postpartum women (my kinda girl). Julie’s only a few weeks away from her little… Continue reading Unmedicated Birth: Julie’s Plan

baby · prenatal

Unmedicated Birth: Sarah’s Experience

As I mentioned in my last post, I wanted to share the opinions of other friends who have gone through successful unmedicated births. Below is my conversation with Sarah Hawthorne Maddox about her birth philosophy, why she opted out of pain relieving drugs, and how she did it. She is a certified health coach and… Continue reading Unmedicated Birth: Sarah’s Experience

baby · health · motherhood

Next Steps for China & The Plate

As you can probably tell from recent posts, a lot has changed in my world over the last 3 months. Namely, Walker arrived. However, early in my pregnancy I decided bigger changes were needed for me moving forward. It was time to put my furniture career to bed and dedicate more attention to my interest… Continue reading Next Steps for China & The Plate


Spiced Chickpea and Cauliflower Hummus Bowl

When times are hard (or weird, lonely, scary), I find there are a few techniques I turn to for comfort and sanity: First, a schedule or routine of sorts. Not surprisingly, I’ve found creating a routine a bit challenging over the last two months with a newborn, no job, quarantine… But here I am on… Continue reading Spiced Chickpea and Cauliflower Hummus Bowl